About Yoga

Yoga Teacher, Cecilia Cristolovean, About me, yoga background, yoga studies, yoga course, inspiration, international yoga teachers

The literal meaning of the word yoga is “union”.  Yoga is a science that includes physical, mental and spiritual practice, and it determines ones real nature.

The aim of the practice is to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the universal consciousness and the individual self.

about yoga, reverse prayer, yoga at the beach, yoga teacher
Yoga Teacher,  Ardha Matsyendrasana, Cecilia Cristolovean, About me, yoga background, yoga studies, yoga course, inspiration, international yoga teachers

“Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah(1.2)”
Yoga is the calming down the fluctuations, patterns of the mind/ consciousness

Hatha-Raja is one of the four types of yoga.

It’s a low-impact systematic practice of physical exercise (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), relaxation, positive thinking and meditation that is aimed to develop harmony in the body, the mind, and the environment.

Reverse Warrior Pose  , Viparita Virabhadrasana, Yoga Teacher Cecilia Cristolovean


– Asana, physical exercise, enhances the flexibility of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments and stimulates circulation. It recharges your energy, rejuvenates your body, your mind and leaves you feeling refreshed and peaceful.  Flexibility and strength of the spine keeps the body youthful.

– Pranayama, breathing tecniques, help us overcome stress and depression by breathing more deeply with increased awareness. These tecniques connect the body to its battery, the solar plexus, which is a storehouse of energy.

– Savasana, relaxation, relieves the body of existing stress symptoms, which include muscle tension and breathlessness, and also helps develop resistance against external stress factors. Once the body and the mind are freed from constant overload they are at ease and perform more efficiently

– Positive thinking and meditation are the key to the peace of mind. They experience of inner peace is achieved by controlling the mind and eliminating negative thought patterns.

" The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness."

Sakyong Mipham

“The yoga postures and breath are tools to rebuild and transform ourselves. The goal is not to tie ourselves in knots – we’re already tied in knots. The aim is to untie the knots in our heart. The aim is to unite with the ultimate, loving, and peaceful power of the universe.”

Max Strom

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